The year is 2022, Its time you learn...
HOW TO make your first $500 in the next 7 working days partnering with companies through CPA marketing
Hi, this is a personal message from me to you.
But first, are you any of the following?
- You are looking for an extra income to end your money problems and you are willing to start from scratch
- You want to be financially free IN DOLLARS
- You have tried everyway possible to make more money or even get something started
- You already started something and you want more, because what you are doing now
- You are tired of earning peanuts in Naira?
In the last 400days, I have been able to go through all these stages and I want to proudly and humbly show you exactly
Want to know How? Watch the video below, or Read through this page.
JOIN CDA NOW (Heavily Discounted)

- this is not just a course or book
- This is not another way to flood you with useless information
- This is something that has changed the lives of a lot of ordinary people just like me and you
I want you to take a look at something
Just last year I ranked in $1,000,000 from Nigeria following this Backdoor System
Michael Olatunji, CEO MyQuestFinance

with $40 million paid out to our partners in the last 2 years!
FX Pro. Foreign Partner.

Out of the $40Million paid out to company partners, my mentor was able to rake in $1,000,000 over time in sales
Now i want to show you how you can just make 0.00001% of $40M (that's $400) as a beginner
his system has also changed my life too
But first who am I?
My name is Akinlami Praise (The Dollar Profit Machine)

And fortunately for me I’m a top CPA marketing expert in Abuja at just the age of 23 (Glory to God)

Chris Ani
Praise is a young guy you should have your eyes on, what he and his friends are doing is absolutely great

Hon Akin Alabi
Sharp guys Like this are the guys that do the real stuff. Captain(praise) likes to sell.
And in the last 2 years,
I have been able to transact over $400,000 in affiliate marketing sales doing what I’m exactly going to show you right now

initially my journey got triggered in 2015 after my father retired and since I lost my mum at an early age, this means that there was really no one providing for my basic needs any longer
Fast-forward 2019 I stumbled on an ad that said it will teach me how to make money online FREE and since I didn’t have anything to lose I hopped in and started my journey
My online journey was not very smooth because
- I was trying everything myself
- I was looking for the perfect way and I was not the smartest
1 year later I was really not making a lot of profit and
all the things I wanted, I didn’t get
- I wanted a better life
- I wanted to pay my fees
- I wanted to be a better person and not be useless to my family
So I kept on the search till things got better and you can see below
I started to earn $1000 monthly and I will show you how you too can earn this

So What is this System and how can you benefit?
This system is called CPA marketing
And it is a 4 step dollar producing machine that can help you
- earn internationally
- Earn anywhere in the world
- Start with just your phone
What is CPA Marketing
CPA marketing is short for Cost per Action/Acquisition and it’s basically the process where to are paid for partnering with companies both locally and mostly internationally to acquire customers for them and be part of their marketing
Most companies have a really high budget for marketing and are ready to spend on their partners,
below is the estimated budget for companies acquisition marketing and how much they have paid out already

And see how much they are willing to pay you

And the reason they are willing to pay this much is because they believe when you help them get a customer, this customer will buy forever
So it’s costs them nothing to pay you $500 per customers
Some companies that do this include
- forex companies
- Software companies
- Crypto companies (this one is like blood money)
Now this is how it works and how you can earn from it
Step 1: You have to find this companies wiling to pay you for your services.
Step 2: Get deals with those companies
Steps 3: Fulfill your end of the deal
Step 4: Get paid handsomely in Dollars
Remember I said you could earn at least $100 to $500 per deal with this Companies
So imagine what just 4 sign ups a month with a $200 deal will do for you
That’s about $800 monthly
In Naira with current exchange rate
You can start with N488,000 as a beginner
And this is not even a joke
Because a lot of people wanted me to teach them this system and I myself wanted to impact as many people as possible
I introduced the easiest was to get started doing this business
I called it
This is a school I create to specifically teach you how to get started earning in dollar wherever you are.
The reason I called it an academy is because of what you will learn and how you must earn as a student
In CDA you will learn
Where you will learn
- how to get started with Affiliate marketing and sales in generals (full course worth N30,000)
- how to partner with companies and get the best deals (worth N40,000)
- how to get traffic for those companies organically
- How to get at least 3 sign ups monthly and make minimum of 500USD
- How to make deals with software complained
- How to make money from crypto as a CPA Expert without taking a single trade or worrying about any dip
And lots more
As a member of CDA - Inside The CDA you will get
You are also entitled to bonuses such as
- how to create irresistible offers
- How to generate organic leads
- How to market on WhatsApp and sell like crazy
You will have access to other trainings like
- Traffic generation and conversion
How to get more people to your deals and how to convert them to sign ups
- Lead generator model
How to generate leads and everything that has to do with lead generation
- Organic attraction marketing
How to run your CPA business without running a single ad
- Paid traffic methods
- High converting sales funnel
How to build and create a sales funnel
- Conversion rocket
- Creating offers
- Creating irresistible offers
- 10 things you must Always do this in business
Doing these 10 things absolutely changed the game for me in 2021 when I transacted $450k in commission
Access Affiliate booster bootcamp including
- WhatsApp marketing course
- Facebook ads course
- Google ads training
- Landing page building
- Email marketing setup
- WhatsApp organic blueprint
- Live support
Where you can ask me anything and we can communicate as a community
- Templates
I prepared templates of everything I used and I will give you access to them, Just to make things more easier for you as my student
There is more, Stay with me
I know this is more than what you ask for, but my duty to you as a student is that you automatically become that persons that you have always wanted to be
- I want you to become that person his family can look up to
- I want you to become that person that is used as a good example when people talk about wealth
- I want you to become the guy no one will ever disrespect because of money
All I’m offering to you today is worth over N1.2m if we you want to learn all individually but
All you are paying is a one time payment of
N50,000 Only

Price goes to 70k soon (because it feels like you are cheating me, I got all this knowledge spending more than N900k or more
Here is what I want you to do next
Click on the button that says join CDA
After you do that you will be directed to a payment page where you will make payment and next granted access to the Academy materials and community
Before you make payment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Let me assure you 2 things
- If you join the community and you feel it’s not worth it is not worth the price - just DM me in the community immediately and I will refund you immediately, no questions asked
- And if you implement what you are being taught for 90days and you don’t make any money, I will refund you double what you paid for Sounds fair?

One more Bonus
And yes, becoming a CDA student give you access to
- My community forex signal group for 3 months (others pay $100) for you becoming a student you get it free
- Also you get access to all my current CPA deals I use
- and you get templates that you can just copy and paste to get started with
No hassle, just raw implementation of the right thing
But there is a catch
Remember that the price goes up to 70k soon and that can be anytime
This program was 30k last 2 weeks, it can be 60k next week
So act fast and get all the bonuses
Click the link below to get started and start earning like these guys
JOIN CDA TODAY (nothing is special about tomorrow)
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We make ordinary people extraordinarily profitable